Acupuncture is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and involves the insertion of fine needles into the body at specific points. Fine needles are inserted into a series of connected pathways or “meridians,” known as specific points in the body. Used as a therapeutic remedy, these points create a healing impulse to reduce or relive pain, encourage energy flow and natural healing.
Our acupuncture treatments are used as a holistic and therapeutic approach to alleviate stress and pain. Each patient’s needs are addressed individually to restore the power flow of energy, relaxation and good health. TCM includes a variety of practices, herbal formulas, massage therapies and lifestyle counselling in order to achieve harmony and balance in health. Symptoms recognized in the body’s language, including blocked pathways, leading to illness, physical and/or emotional disorders. Our TCM practitioners use tongue and pulse diagnosis to help identify the blocked pathways.
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At PinPoint Health, we make patients feel empowered by providing them with successful custom treatments that integrate a variety of physical therapy tools and approaches. Using our expertise, we educate patients about ways to maintain optimal health and prevent future injuries.